Friday, November 11, 2005

"Hi, we're the PTC...We're Here For Your Brain..."

Hmmm...The Parents Television Council. Wonder what makes those folks tick? I mean, aside from their obvious adherence to the holier than thou/guilt based teachings of the bible; inability to accept that all of the world is not watered down; and desire to get everyone to conform to their beliefs and to control the minds of parents, children and anyone else who is ball-less enough to take their words to heart (are you listening Toyota? "we read a review by the Parent Television Council about Nip/Tuck and decided to pull our ads...")

Listen, if your child sees something they shouldn't see or hears something they shouldn't's your fault. Maybe you shouldn't let them watch the goddam show, idiot! Or, better yet, perhaps TELL THEM WHY you would prefer that they don't. It's your fault if you don't. Not the people who made the show, its advertisers or actors. For cryin' out's not brain surgery. Take some responsibility. Here it is...if you listen to the PTC and allow them to guide you towards your decision - you are an asshole. An asshole who apparently is incapable of thinking for themselves. You think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm completely serious. Look in the mirror.

Oh, by the way, I take the time to watch what my kids like to watch...or to explain things that they may see that perhaps they may not be ready to see and/or hear - do you? No, you don't. You'd rather have someone else make your decisions for you, wouldn't you? You idiot. Oh, and in case you worry that perhaps my kids will be mentally challenged because they may have caught a "bad word" or "boobie" on a show sometime... I got news for ya Jack... My son is at the top of his class, and my daughter will most likely follow in his footsteps.

Ya see, COMMUNICATING with your kids, NOT SHUTTING OFF ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT CHILD MOLESTING DINOSAUR. Come on! Who's the child here? It's you, retard. YOU are the one that doesn't want to have anything other than watered down "art" available to us.

Have you bothered leaving your house to see the world around you? I mean, if you are a supporter of the PTC, then most likely, by proxy, you believe in "God." Ergo, you believe that abortion shouldn't be legal, but that it's cool to use the "eye for an eye" mentality and kill people on death row. Wow. That particular example of hipocrisy aside, what about the fact that there's mass genocide being perpetuated by our very own government daily - take a look at the news. Why aren't you attempting to shut down Rupert Murdoch from Fox? Why aren't you trying to stop NBC, CBS, CNN, et al from broadcasting the "afterglow" of mass murder of folks who aren't White, Christian, Americans? Yeah, because you're funded by the religious right, aren't you? Praise be. You enjoy not being forced to think, don't you? You want to think that your kids are going to be sheltered from hearing people - bus driver? aunts, uncles? students, teachers? friends? SAYING BAD WORDS! GASP! Say it isn't so!

But, what should I expect? You lemmings are happiest when you're not presented with any kind of parental challenge, and have an easy exit to take down the common sense highway.

It always amazes me when I see the PTC in the news. They have our best interests in mind, right? Ha. Yeah, and I'm the fucking pope. Who do you think are their biggest supporters - since, allegedly - they're a non profit organization? Yeah, Right Wing Christian fanatics. Nice.

I love the way they "celebrate victory" when a show is cancelled or taken off the air - despite their commitment to "not judging the artistic merit of a show, just examing the content...". Hmmm...

Because, after all, if anyone believes in anything other than what is written in "the good book" - you're a liar, a sinner and are obviously incapable of thinking for yourself.

Well, that's it. I guess I'm going to hell - if there is one. Although, I'm relatively certain that as long as I am forced to coexist with people like you who work, support or listen to the PTC, FCC or anyone else who is in to watering down our society further than it already it is - that I'm already living in hell...

That's alright. I've got my TV, my mind and Season 2 of Nip/Tuck to finish. Come and take it away from me, motherfucker - and I'll be just as happy to burn your stupid Toyota.


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