God Bless Amerika... Well, at least the STRAIGHT, RICH, WHITE FOLK...
September 11, 2005. 4 years removed from the bombing of NYC. I remember it as if it was yesterday. My son, 3 1/2 at the time, just dropped off at pre-school, only to be picked up by me a few minutes later after the shit started blowing up. My mind racing as I thought of my wife, 7 months pregnant with our 2nd child. Trying to convince her to leave work - where she had no contact with TV/Radio or other media to at least drop the word that we were "under attack."
As it turns out, no further bombings, blow ups or death knells occured before she got home. Our daughter was born on the the 9th of November and all was well. Seemingly.
See, because of 9/11 - and more accurately, due to the events leading up to it and since - the U.S. economy has taken a downward spiral, unemployment rates have skyrocketed nationwide (especially HERE in Michigan... just ask US) and our country has continued to rise in the eyes of the rest of the world's nations - rising that is, on the BULLY SCALE.
Fear perpetuates hatred. And, as long as we continue to incite fear amongst every nation that is outside of our bounds...we should be ready for anything. It's not the folks in the Middle East who we're holding down by the throat that we should fear. It's not the French, who we ridicule and piss off whenever we can - just for the sake of doing so, because they're allegedly a weaker country full of snobbish, smelly..."frogs"...I believe that's how the uninformed, illiterate masses stateside refer to our brothers and sisters in France.
Quite frankly, what I fear most, is our own government.
Is there a reason why I SHOULDN'T?
Considering the alleged "democracy" in place feels that perpetuating anger and hatred HERE against anyone from any country who doesn't abide by the rules of OUR democracy. A democracy which was built upon thievery, hatred, genocide. You don't look like us? You're a savage and must be annihilated. Yes. How do you think the native people of this country feel... especially considering that en masse, they tend to be the societies that are most repressed and avoided when it comes to government help. And you can take your uneducated, retarded comments about "they've got all the casinos..." and shove them up your illiterate ass.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm no bleeding heart liberal extremist... BUT... with the homeless, jobless, healthcare-less issues here in our own country, doesn't simple logic dictate that PERHAPS we should protect our OWN people from our OWN GREED FIRST?
No, of course it's not logical to do that.
Anyone who READS knows that in order for the rich to keep getting richer and to protect the interests of those interested in fattening their own tax free subsidies and bank accounts, the first order of business is to protect our own asses...and assets. If we don't protect THAT...who will? We've only got enough money to stay afloat for 10000 more generations...it is of utmost importance that we make it 10001. Not only that, but there's an OIL SHORTAGE!!!! Haven't you heard? Good sweet mother of all things holy, we only own 90% of the reserves worldwide and have untapped sources we're sitting on (and hiding, purposely) HERE in our own COUNTRY. WE NEED MORE!!!!
See where this is going? Probably not, because there's so many sources of info at work here. Let me put it in as small a nutshell as I can.
Our GREED, our IGNORANCE, our EGO... is collectively regressing our country and its advancement - in the guise of some sick, twisted alleged "WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP."
Do we really think we need to lead with the attitude of "love us or stay out of our killing zone perimeter"?
Do we really think we need to lead with the attitude of "stay on our path - the path of white supremacy, christian teachings, genocide" in order to survive as a country?
Weeding out those who disagree with the U.S. Government, taking over mainstream media, doling out lies, deceit, seeds of intolerance. This is daily routine for this "safe" place we live.
Are you saying you really proud of what is given to you on a daily basis? What is put in front of you to SHUT UP AND CONSUME? You're alright with just TAKING IT? Too busy to question the answers? You've bought in? You'd still "rather live here than anywhere else when it comes down to it," because you enjoy "freedoms"? What freedoms do you have that you feel are so important that other countries are missing out on. Or, threatening to take from you?
Ha. HAHAHA. You're bombarded every second, every minute, every hour with propaganda DESIGNED to bring you closer in. To get you to just go along with the '1984' Gihad. Think I'm exaggerating? Have you bothered to READ through the Patriot Act? Have you seen pictures, read stories about the illegally kept prisoners at Guantanomo Bay (and let's be honest, other "not so easily seen" places)? You're a slave. If you've bought in to this tripe - you're a goddamn slave. You're welcome. I hope you enjoy eating the shit that is put on your plate every single day. Congratulations, you're a ZOMBIE. Wheeeee. Isn't it great? Isn't it fun? To just "go along with the ride". To just "take it easy and enjoy life as it happens." You're taught to hate anyone who's not watered down and just like the feds want YOU to be. Ever see THX1138? Ever read 1984? Okay, ever HEARD of either one of them? Check 'em out. OBSERVE CLOSELY. Then, ignore their message like you normally do. Sigh.
Not on my watch. I often wonder if what I write hits any nerves with anyone who reads it. If anyone looks at it and instead of saying "jeeez, here he goes again on one of his rants...", says "gee, I never thought about it that way before, but DAMN! I AM becoming a slave."
Probably not. It's lonely being in the minority - but to me, it's about quality not quantity. I know our numbers have become few and far between. However, as long as alternative news sources (read: anything NOT on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, et al) are available, there's at least a glimmer of hope.
Maybe the hippies weren't so far off. I mean, without the drug consumption, I think their musings of peace, love, happiness, music - were pretty in line with what the hell you should AT LEAST be considering. "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding...whoa ohhh." Thanks, Elvis (that's Costello, NOT Presley). If only folks would listen.
Ask yourself what comes from repression. What comes from violence against anyone who's DIFFERENT. What comes from forcing the masses to assimilate. Or at least attempting to do so.
The more we enforce our ideals upon those who aren't ready or those who say "hey, thanks, really...but we'll be okay. truly. we appreciate it, though. see ya." The more we're opening ourselves up to hatred from beyond our own borders. Don't you SEE IT YET?
Do I need to shake you? Do you get it? By the way, the government fully understands the ramifications of "Forceful Americanized Democracy" possibly being attacked by folks from afar (violence and hatred for example) - which is why the military is continually given more and more money for more and more weapons. Does this make sense to you? I laugh at the sheer, brutal, intense stupidity of it all. I laugh even harder - to keep from crying - at the fact that you take it. That you see it as "okay". That you support our efforts of war against countries (yes, even those that we failed to pinpoint by just a few thousand miles to the south...Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan...ehhh...who notices the difference...obviously not the masses and/or the government). That you support war as an option to begin with.
That you fail to recognize the mistake(s) made by this current administration from day one. Oh, they were executed very well for what they've been from day one. Just not with the best interests of anyone not closely affiliated with Oil and/or the Bush Family/Friendship circle in mind.
That, while he is an ASSHOLE and a MURDERER (though NOT of American lives), Saddam Hussein was NOT the best target to spend our troops and money on. That Osama has his dialysis machine in tow and up and down and under the mountains he goes, allegedly incapable of being discovered by the incredible star wars machinery we've got in place. Wow. Maybe he's CHRIST!?
Speaking of Osama, and in attempt to tie this all to today's "anniversary". Do you really think he designed the attack on our country because he hates our "freedoms"? Aren't there other countries who are a helluva lot more free than we are? Oh yeah, there are. Think, read, learn. To quote SEVERAL SOURCES (mostly BURIED here in the states...just ask King George II) Osama perpetuated his attack "based on our support for Israel as well as our ties with Saudi Arabia and the military bases we have there" (thank you David Cross). Not because he's a freedom hater. He's an asshole as well, no doubt. Some of his texts about intolerance and his feelings about women's roles are simply offensive on their own. So, to that end, I don't support what he believes. Nor (and I think I've made this clear) do I support MASS MURDER. However, that non-support crosses all boundaries and INCLUDES the fact that we shouldn't tolerate any genocide perpetuated BY OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY. OKAY?
Finally, as you reflect on whatever you were doing on 9.11.01 and/or choosing to pick today and today only to thank the firemen and police of the world for what they do for us and/or thanking the "heavens" for your "freedoms"...hug your family and just be grateful that you haven't been arrested for conspiracy, outed as a "terrorist" by our own terroristic government, or otherwise ostracized and/or killed... yet. Keep buying in. And wait.
Seriously, PLEASE...start reading. It's okay to not be a lemming or sheep. It's okay not to consume the government subsidized kool aid.
Happy Anniversary.
As it turns out, no further bombings, blow ups or death knells occured before she got home. Our daughter was born on the the 9th of November and all was well. Seemingly.
See, because of 9/11 - and more accurately, due to the events leading up to it and since - the U.S. economy has taken a downward spiral, unemployment rates have skyrocketed nationwide (especially HERE in Michigan... just ask US) and our country has continued to rise in the eyes of the rest of the world's nations - rising that is, on the BULLY SCALE.
Fear perpetuates hatred. And, as long as we continue to incite fear amongst every nation that is outside of our bounds...we should be ready for anything. It's not the folks in the Middle East who we're holding down by the throat that we should fear. It's not the French, who we ridicule and piss off whenever we can - just for the sake of doing so, because they're allegedly a weaker country full of snobbish, smelly..."frogs"...I believe that's how the uninformed, illiterate masses stateside refer to our brothers and sisters in France.
Quite frankly, what I fear most, is our own government.
Is there a reason why I SHOULDN'T?
Considering the alleged "democracy" in place feels that perpetuating anger and hatred HERE against anyone from any country who doesn't abide by the rules of OUR democracy. A democracy which was built upon thievery, hatred, genocide. You don't look like us? You're a savage and must be annihilated. Yes. How do you think the native people of this country feel... especially considering that en masse, they tend to be the societies that are most repressed and avoided when it comes to government help. And you can take your uneducated, retarded comments about "they've got all the casinos..." and shove them up your illiterate ass.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm no bleeding heart liberal extremist... BUT... with the homeless, jobless, healthcare-less issues here in our own country, doesn't simple logic dictate that PERHAPS we should protect our OWN people from our OWN GREED FIRST?
No, of course it's not logical to do that.
Anyone who READS knows that in order for the rich to keep getting richer and to protect the interests of those interested in fattening their own tax free subsidies and bank accounts, the first order of business is to protect our own asses...and assets. If we don't protect THAT...who will? We've only got enough money to stay afloat for 10000 more generations...it is of utmost importance that we make it 10001. Not only that, but there's an OIL SHORTAGE!!!! Haven't you heard? Good sweet mother of all things holy, we only own 90% of the reserves worldwide and have untapped sources we're sitting on (and hiding, purposely) HERE in our own COUNTRY. WE NEED MORE!!!!
See where this is going? Probably not, because there's so many sources of info at work here. Let me put it in as small a nutshell as I can.
Our GREED, our IGNORANCE, our EGO... is collectively regressing our country and its advancement - in the guise of some sick, twisted alleged "WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP."
Do we really think we need to lead with the attitude of "love us or stay out of our killing zone perimeter"?
Do we really think we need to lead with the attitude of "stay on our path - the path of white supremacy, christian teachings, genocide" in order to survive as a country?
Weeding out those who disagree with the U.S. Government, taking over mainstream media, doling out lies, deceit, seeds of intolerance. This is daily routine for this "safe" place we live.
Are you saying you really proud of what is given to you on a daily basis? What is put in front of you to SHUT UP AND CONSUME? You're alright with just TAKING IT? Too busy to question the answers? You've bought in? You'd still "rather live here than anywhere else when it comes down to it," because you enjoy "freedoms"? What freedoms do you have that you feel are so important that other countries are missing out on. Or, threatening to take from you?
Ha. HAHAHA. You're bombarded every second, every minute, every hour with propaganda DESIGNED to bring you closer in. To get you to just go along with the '1984' Gihad. Think I'm exaggerating? Have you bothered to READ through the Patriot Act? Have you seen pictures, read stories about the illegally kept prisoners at Guantanomo Bay (and let's be honest, other "not so easily seen" places)? You're a slave. If you've bought in to this tripe - you're a goddamn slave. You're welcome. I hope you enjoy eating the shit that is put on your plate every single day. Congratulations, you're a ZOMBIE. Wheeeee. Isn't it great? Isn't it fun? To just "go along with the ride". To just "take it easy and enjoy life as it happens." You're taught to hate anyone who's not watered down and just like the feds want YOU to be. Ever see THX1138? Ever read 1984? Okay, ever HEARD of either one of them? Check 'em out. OBSERVE CLOSELY. Then, ignore their message like you normally do. Sigh.
Not on my watch. I often wonder if what I write hits any nerves with anyone who reads it. If anyone looks at it and instead of saying "jeeez, here he goes again on one of his rants...", says "gee, I never thought about it that way before, but DAMN! I AM becoming a slave."
Probably not. It's lonely being in the minority - but to me, it's about quality not quantity. I know our numbers have become few and far between. However, as long as alternative news sources (read: anything NOT on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, et al) are available, there's at least a glimmer of hope.
Maybe the hippies weren't so far off. I mean, without the drug consumption, I think their musings of peace, love, happiness, music - were pretty in line with what the hell you should AT LEAST be considering. "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding...whoa ohhh." Thanks, Elvis (that's Costello, NOT Presley). If only folks would listen.
Ask yourself what comes from repression. What comes from violence against anyone who's DIFFERENT. What comes from forcing the masses to assimilate. Or at least attempting to do so.
The more we enforce our ideals upon those who aren't ready or those who say "hey, thanks, really...but we'll be okay. truly. we appreciate it, though. see ya." The more we're opening ourselves up to hatred from beyond our own borders. Don't you SEE IT YET?
Do I need to shake you? Do you get it? By the way, the government fully understands the ramifications of "Forceful Americanized Democracy" possibly being attacked by folks from afar (violence and hatred for example) - which is why the military is continually given more and more money for more and more weapons. Does this make sense to you? I laugh at the sheer, brutal, intense stupidity of it all. I laugh even harder - to keep from crying - at the fact that you take it. That you see it as "okay". That you support our efforts of war against countries (yes, even those that we failed to pinpoint by just a few thousand miles to the south...Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan...ehhh...who notices the difference...obviously not the masses and/or the government). That you support war as an option to begin with.
That you fail to recognize the mistake(s) made by this current administration from day one. Oh, they were executed very well for what they've been from day one. Just not with the best interests of anyone not closely affiliated with Oil and/or the Bush Family/Friendship circle in mind.
That, while he is an ASSHOLE and a MURDERER (though NOT of American lives), Saddam Hussein was NOT the best target to spend our troops and money on. That Osama has his dialysis machine in tow and up and down and under the mountains he goes, allegedly incapable of being discovered by the incredible star wars machinery we've got in place. Wow. Maybe he's CHRIST!?
Speaking of Osama, and in attempt to tie this all to today's "anniversary". Do you really think he designed the attack on our country because he hates our "freedoms"? Aren't there other countries who are a helluva lot more free than we are? Oh yeah, there are. Think, read, learn. To quote SEVERAL SOURCES (mostly BURIED here in the states...just ask King George II) Osama perpetuated his attack "based on our support for Israel as well as our ties with Saudi Arabia and the military bases we have there" (thank you David Cross). Not because he's a freedom hater. He's an asshole as well, no doubt. Some of his texts about intolerance and his feelings about women's roles are simply offensive on their own. So, to that end, I don't support what he believes. Nor (and I think I've made this clear) do I support MASS MURDER. However, that non-support crosses all boundaries and INCLUDES the fact that we shouldn't tolerate any genocide perpetuated BY OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY. OKAY?
Finally, as you reflect on whatever you were doing on 9.11.01 and/or choosing to pick today and today only to thank the firemen and police of the world for what they do for us and/or thanking the "heavens" for your "freedoms"...hug your family and just be grateful that you haven't been arrested for conspiracy, outed as a "terrorist" by our own terroristic government, or otherwise ostracized and/or killed... yet. Keep buying in. And wait.
Seriously, PLEASE...start reading. It's okay to not be a lemming or sheep. It's okay not to consume the government subsidized kool aid.
Happy Anniversary.
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