Thursday, June 09, 2005

Show Me The Way To Guantanamo Bay...

We are all terrorists. Everyone of us. Don't believe what your conscience tells you. Don't dare to believe that you know what the hell you're thinking... or even capable of thinking. You've been exposed. Yes, you. The thinker. The reader. The "smarter than the average lemming" creature that you are. Don't run. Don't hide. You're being watched. You've been tagged. Marked, like one of those animals in the wilderness that the dude from "Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" used to always have his brave manservant jump out of the jeep and tackle. You, you beast. You're capable of so much harm. You're capable of destroying the plan that's been put in place and executed relatively smoothly lo all these years of "democracy". Sure, some might call it more of a "martial law" setting, but they'll soon be eliminated, too. Just like you. There is no other alternative. You must know this. You DO know this. It's the price you pay for daring to read, learn, research, think by yourself. You're vastly outnumbered. Why fight it? Why try? Why rise up? Rise against? Just stop, let the warming sensation of the mind drainer taser do its work, and wake up to warm breezes, the smell of white cotton linens blowing in the breeze, freshly manicured grass. Fluffy bunnies and clouds surrounding you. Warm. Fuzzy
It's what you want, isn't it? Think about it. Better yet, don't. That's been done for you. Just follow along. Be like everyone else. Bend over and take it. Resistance is futile, as they say. Keep your eyes on the flag. The red and white will blend together into a nice, friendly, pink color...just like this country. Friendly and pink in color. And male. How would any other country possibly fear this country? Why would they? This country has all the answers. Answers for everything. For you. For others. For everyone. Again, resistance is futile. Why won't the other countries just give in? Can't they see things working here? Everyone is happy here. Everyone is a clone. There's nothing to fear. If they'd only follow the "democracy" that is shoved down their throats they'd be so much better off. Why is there such a fear of what this country can do? Conformity to the standards set forth by this government - worldwide - is the only ultimate solution to world peace. Get with it people! And back to you. You, little one. You, little cattle. You, docile masses. Stay far away from the internet. Stay away from books. Don't read. Don't think. Don't research. Stay close to home. Don't travel. Why fight it? Do as you're told and all will be well, young lemming. Follow, don't lead. Anyone who says otherwise will die - do you want to? Just eat what and when you're told. Figuratively and literally. Remember, you're being watched. There's nothing wrong. All is well. All is right. Everything is fine. Go back to sleep amerika. Go back to sleep. Shhhhh. It's all going to work out just perfectly. Just follow the party line. Follow the road. It's paved with extreme money, extreme hubris, extreme perfection. It's all in front of you. Follow along. Freedom awaits you. You don't want to be different. Smarter? More well informed? Knowledge is overrated. Come. Join us. Never mind, you're already here. There's a nice lemming, niiiiiiiiiice sheep. We're headed for that ridge over there. See it? Off in the distance? Keep walking the path we've made for you. You'll get there. Don't stop. Keep going. You'll know when you've arrived. Goodbye.


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