Saturday, May 14, 2005

Freedom Under The Government's Oppressive Genocidal Blanket?

Can you HONESTLY look yourself in the mirror and BELIEVE what you’re saying, when you say you “feel much safer and secure since Bush came into office and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.”? You’re intelligent, right? You tie your own shoes, dress yourself in the morning, THINK for yourself. All of the above…right?
Then how could you possibly answer “yes” to the first question? You say there’s soldiers - YOUNG men and women oft times - giving their lives to protect us…and our freedoms. Possibly. If they were HERE. If those poor soldiers were doing their jobs HERE. NOT blowing people up - nowadays in self defense in many cases - in a country that doesn’t want us there. Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever. No one ordained us to be the protector - OR the bully - that we fancy ourselves to be. Why should we infer that our way is “the best way”? Instilling United States Democracy into a country that has never known the goods and bads of the system we have in place - not a good idea. Yet, we continue on. Apparently feeling a huge sense of pride in what we’re doing, in spit of the myriad deaths that have left blood on our hands. We’re not perfect. We’ve got domestic issues that continue to be grossly ignored - homelessness, joblessness being just two. You say we’re fortunate to live here, because we’ve diversified our interests domestically and abroad to ensure that if the oil ever gets less abundant, we’ll be okay. Several hundred years will take place before we “run out”, chief. Do we TRULY have the “greatest country in the world” because we have the right to protest, to question authority, to rise up and say “HELL NO”? In theory…yes. In reality…nope. If it were true, why would anyone not agreeing with the present state of affairs and/or the administration and corporate puppets that run everything in our country, be ostracized or frowned upon as Un American or not democratic enough? It’s not about seeing who can be quiet the longest. It’s about who can raise their voice to be heard above the braying of the docile masses and try to increase awareness and knowledge. THAT’s what a TRULY GREAT nation would employ as standard. WE don’t…so…do the math. “If you don’t like it, why don’t you move?” It’s not a bad idea, really. Despite what people “in the know” tell you, America might NOT be the best and most stable country to live in. Make fun of Canadians all you want, but if you really want to see a country close by that has their shit together, look north, my friends. I don’t want to move…too many family and friends to leave behind. Too much to see in terms of what the great spirit created for us all to enjoy…to respect…to honor. Too much of that to do before I decide to leave it all behind. Yes, I love this country. I love the fact that I can freely type without anyone (at least until I get the first Patriot Act Puppet at my door…) ordering me to stop. However, the ability that I have to freely create, express, engage - has nothing to do with our military junta in Iraq or Afghanistan. So, don’t hand me your red, white and blue, RAH RAH propaganda - or I’ll wipe with it and hand it back to you. Start asking questions and going beneath the surface of what you see, hear and are told. Be like…me. I’m not perfect, but I’m also not a lemming. Go ahead and jump if you’re not willing to explore other options aside what comes easiest to you and goes down with the sugar coated taste of money. I’m getting rather used to choking on the IPECAC of Truth and what’s really happening. Quite frankly, if you’re not willing to swallow your share, I’d rather wait til we’re both pushing up the daisies in a couple of hundred of years to continue any discussions with you.


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