Tuesday, June 14, 2005

He's NOT. THAT. INNOCENT. But, he's also not guilty... aka OJ Redux?

Well, he's actually not "innocent," he's NOT GUILTY according to the jury.

Look, he had a fair trial. And one of two things happened. Either 1) he paid these folks to the one to find him not guilty across the board... or 2) they truly felt (as do I) that the prosecution didn't do a good job picking the right witnesses and put the wrong people on the stand to instantly create a worse credibility rating than Michael's. At that point, the prosecution lost. The same thing happened in OJ's trial. Too bad, really.

But, then again, I think what it boils to is that Michael was put on trial not for the 14 things he was accused of...but of being a sick bastard. Seriously. Is there anything other than that that folks are thinking of him?

All I hear is "oh, he's guilty"... blah blah blah... Well, if you're talking about sleeping with little boys in the context of cuddling...yeah...I can see your point. However, as the Rev. Jesse said... it's NOT against the law, it's only against the NORM.

Admittedly, it's not a good thing, I don't think, to have desires to cuddle with young men or women who are not your children.
But, as long as he hasn't touched them inappropriately, then he hasn't broken any laws officially. At least laws of our land…breached some sort of moral/ethical code laid down by the masses (ie: what’s “right”) then, yes.

And, really, I don't want to hear ANYMORE morons say "would YOU let YOUR child sleepover at Mike's?" Well, NO, jackass. I wouldn't let him sleep at Mike's...or John's...or Sally's...or... at the freakin’ Pope’s house people, Michael ain't Satan, the premise of someone - ANYONE - wanting to have sleepovers with kids is what's on the table here. Not him specifically.

I think the dude's got serious mental issues. I think he could use some help. I think the time for beating him up for being "different" should be done with. He's bought himself lots of press over the years, and quite honestly has been revolutionary in the music he's created at times. At this point, he's a human being, lost on the road of life. We need to help the guy find his way if he doesn't do it for himself. He's one of us, whether we like him or not.


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