Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Left Wing Lock

Knowing how well I’ve done choosing those that I have allowed into my life, I often wonder what “they really think.” Am I some kind of whacko commie leftist? Am I to be ignored? Am I to be occasionally laughed at and “oh that’s just Steve being silly again”-d? It’s strange. I can count on one hand (perhaps 2 - but not likely) the friends I have who truly are willing to listen to what I have to say. Frustrating, really. Friends - and I’m certain some family somewhere - who are Right Wing all the way. I hate to get caught up in generalization and/or attaching signs to folks, but Right Wing and Liberal seem to be the easiest for folks to equate to what I’m against and what I’m about, respectively. It puts me into deep depression when I even get an email jokingly putting down a comment I might make in passing. Just knowing that MY comment (most likely leaning to “the left”) was well thought out, researched, not just tossed out there. The M.O. of “the right” seems to be to just toss aside with sarcastic “wit” (if you can call it that) or malicious venom (most likely off the cuff and without a backbone of fact) because they’re intent on “toeing the party line” of their beliefs no matter what. No room for argument really. Arguing or debating takes two sides. In a perfect world, with both having an equal chance to expound. That ain’t the way it works, though, jack. No, “the right” will take the road of “what I say is correct, BECAUSE I say it…” Twisted, really. Interestingly, it seems to me that the folks who debate well, are from “the left”. They have facts, figures, information and not innuendo to fuel their fires. They’ll take the time to listen to their “opponent” and accept it as their opinion, but then, give back in the game of give and take, with a retort featuring information that they’ve culled from their resources and want to share. The problem? You cannot give a “right winger” any of that, because they won’t take it. Ask a right wing supporter WHY they believe the things they do. Keep a single line on your 30 line sheet of paper available for their response. RARELY has a right wing person given me a solid, TRUE reason to support what they support. Ask a liberal, a democrat or a “leftist” why they support what they do - and they’ll give it to you. Why is there so much ammo on the “left” and not the “right?” Is it because most mainstream sources of information and/or media are taking what they’re told to say and making it palatable for the docile masses to consume? You’re goddamn right. I’m guilty of it from time to time as well. I shop at Malls when I don’t have a choice. Go to fast food places on occasion. I’m not trying to say I’m perfect. I’m not trying to be pious. I DO feel great pangs of guilt when I “resort” or “stoop down to” the levels of mainstream consumerism. But what’s truly sad to me, is that so many folks - including many of my friends and business associates - are willing to just “take it,” except is as “part of life.” Why? Why DO you support our current Government? President? Why be content without voicing concern? Why “love it or leave it” as many feel? What is patriotic about NOT questioning what we’re doing or what affect it’s having on us or our future - especially our children. Is it because it’s easier? Is it because folks TRULY feel that our country is the best - more than likely because that’s the rhetoric they’ve been taught their whole life? To Pledge Allegiance - just because to not do so would cause ridicule? I fear for my kids’ futures in a society of such complacency. It hurts. It hurts me deeply and badly to know I’m fighting this fight with such intensity - and doing it mostly alone. Folks just don’t care. They’re content to be lemmings. To be comfortable. I’m not. And for that, I risk ridicule from my peers, I risk being pointed out, ostracized, perhaps even looked at as if I’ve lost my mind. Wrestling with this isn’t easy. Forcing myself to toe the OTHER line is what needs to be done - and to do so without worry or care what others may think. It’s not easy, but it’s who I am. I refuse to be beat up - without at least protesting against those doing the beating. I sure wish more folks - especially those within my close personal or business proximity would join me.


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