Waste Management
I am the human trash compactor. Every second, every minute, every day, I'm surrounded by other people's trash. The righteous picker upper of the empty fragments of thoughts, feelings and energies of equally empty souls who strive for mediocrity and suck in the same air as me. From the racists to the sexists; from the homophobes to the zealots and all manner of alleged life between. I'm their dumping ground. I see it. I smell it. I taste it. The garbage that you dispose of - your oaths, your hatreds, your stupidity. I've got it all. I collect it. Someday, I'll dispose of it. Meanwhile, I absorb it, consume it and dissolve into it. You'll never get anywhere with the way you are. You'll not change. You'll not learn. What you fail to recognize is that when you litter, I DO learn. Each and every day, another brick is laid in the fortress of my solitude. Higher and higher it builds - like the pile of waste behind it. Oh, I'll not rid myself of it. It'll remain there as a reminder of the sick, desperate, regressed species that you are. The creatures that I've risen above. To look upon the land around me from far enough away to be safe. To experience the things I've learned that it takes to succeed. To conquer. To win. To rid myself of the necessity of picking up after you. Of having to speak to you. With you. My world will be organized. I will not tolerate disrespect, thievery, or murder of innocent life. Human, plant, animal...whatever. I will not be held back by the junk in your collective trunks. I will rise above your insolence, your intolerance. You. You are the single cause RIGHT NOW of my discontent. Recognize it. Change it. Do something to prevent it. To alleviate it. Or, don't. Remain the bringer of anger. The symbol of the negative in my eyes. I don't care what you do. Best if you don't make eye contact - unless you can rise up and start changing. Someday, when I've swept away all the scraps, your carcass will remain. It'll make good fuel to light the eternal fire trail behind me. Then, I will sleep on pillows of bones forever. I'll start with yours.